Spain/Balearic Islands
The Balearic Islands are one of the most popular sailing areas in the world. This comes as little surprise, as the islands in the Mediterranean offer everything that a sailor’s heart could desire: good anchorages, idyllic bays, bustling town harbours and fantastic regional cuisine make for a lovely yacht charter experience.
Majorca, the largest Balearic island, offers plenty of delightful bays to drop anchor, especially along the east coast. The north coast of Majorca is dominated by a 1,500 m high mountain range which drops steeply to the water, while the south coast provides numerous sheltered anchorages and harbours. From here you can sail to the small nearby island of Cabrera, which is still a fairly well kept secret. If you want to set foot on Cabrera, you’ll need to obtain special permission.
The other Balearic Islands can all be quickly reached from Majorca:
27 nautical miles to Menorca, 45 nautical miles to Ibiza.
In the eastern part of Majorca the wind often comes from a northerly direction, from May to August usually from NE to ESE. On the west coast of Majorca the wind frequently blows from the SW, in the summer months also often from the SE. Directly off the Majorcan coast the local winds are stronger. On the east coast in particular, there’s a local saying that each cape has its own wind.